Traveling With COVID Vaccines

I, like you, are all too aware that traveling in the wake of COVID over the past year has been nearly impossible thanks to the pandemic. However, as the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are starting to be spread and I am excited that travel can start to open back up. This has people talking (and getting in a fuss) about “COVID passports.” But what are these passports? Who needs one? How does it help you and can it get you to travel? Today, the blog is all about traveling with COVID vaccines!

COVID vaccine

What Are COVID Passports?

“COVID passports” aren’t actually passports in the traditional sense. They aren’t issued by the American federal government, but left to US states and private businesses. New York was the first that offered an app that offered verification of vaccination. Other countries are looking to implement them. They simply verify that the carrier has received one of the COVID vaccines. This is a way to get life “back to normal”. Businesses can feel safer with vaccinated people inside them.

vaccine record

Where Can You Get These Passports?

As stated, there is no real federal agency that offers these passports. Instead, it is left up to businesses and states. Some, like Florida and Texas, have actively banned vaccine passports. Countries in Europe are also considering vaccine passports. However, at the time of writing, none have been actively implemented. However, countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Australia have committed to implementing passport verification. Israel has already started issuing these Green Passes, so it likely won’t be long until the passes are common.


Why Are People Upset About These Passports?

As mentioned above, the verification’s have been banned in some American states already. The stated reason behind this is due to privacy concerns and fear that they are too authoritarian. There are also concerns about delivering private health information to private businesses like restaurants and stadiums that aren’t related to health. There are some valid concerns here, especially as companies try to make closed systems that would have access to such information. Yet, the World Health Organization (W.H.O) is also attempting to develop such verification through their Smart Vaccination Certificate.

airport travel

How Will This Affect International Travel? 

With countries looking to issue these vaccine verification’s, it may shortly be required to be vaccinated to travel internationally. In this regard, it is likely that the vaccine passport will simply be an additional document that you need to travel abroad. It seems likely that they will be necessary for entry into the country and to attend all the sights there.

covid-19 vaccine

As COVID vaccines are becoming more and more widespread. There needs to be a way to tell who is vaccinated and who is not. Countries are starting to implement vaccines and to travel to these countries, people are going to need verification. Once you get your vaccine, make sure you get it verified so that you can vacation once more!

Do you have your COVID vaccine yet? Are you ready to travel? Click here to contact me to help you plan your getaway!

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