Traveling To Europe Now

What should you expect if you are traveling to Europe this summer or in the next few months? What are the restrictions? Where can you go? What is it like over there now in a post covid world? I thought this might be a good time for an article about traveling to Europe now.
The Dreaded Masks
Do you still need to wear masks while you are Europe? On May 11th the EU agreed that you would no longer be required to wear masks on planes or in the airport starting May 16, 2022. This is great news. But not everything is mask free yet. You might still need to wear one in public transport in some places (like Italy, Spain, France, Greece). Almost all health facilities are still requiring a mask as well. So be sure to still have one handy or packed just in case, but most of the regulations have been removed.

I have written a couple articles about this already, but have you checked your passport recently? With covid and no one traveling for such a time, somehow the little blue book seems to be forgotten. Most European countries require your passport is good for 6 months past your return date. When did you last check your expiration date? While the time frame for renewing has improved, it still around a 6 weeks for expedited passports.

Do you need to be vaxxed to travel to Europe? This one is a mixed bag. Some countries have dropped all their covid protocols and restrictions (UK, Ireland, Iceland to name a few) but not all have dropped their restrictions. Italy, France, Spain and Germany still require vaccination and/or testing for Americans to enter the country. Be sure to check Sherpa for the latest regulations before booking that flight or vacation.

Be Early
The airport is another thing to keep in mind while thinking of traveling abroad this summer. There is still a shortage of employees and the lines at the airport could be long for check in as well as TSA. Being early to the airport is more important than ever before now. Don’t forget your taxi or uber could be late getting you as well. You will likely encounter this on the return trip from Europe as well as they are also experiencing staff shortages. Plan ahead and breathe deeply. The trip will be worth the time you spend when you get there.

I hope you found this blog helpful when thinking about your next trip to Europe. I am sure it will be worth the hoops you have to jump through. If you need any assistance, Europe is my specialty. Click below to start a conversation.