How to Ignite or RE-ignite the Passion

Life can get very humdrum in our everyday lives, and we might have to consciously decide to to ignite or re-ignite our passion for love.  We all get excited about our next vacation, our shared experience.  But sometimes when you have been so stressed and overworked, even the excitement of the vacation can have you still drifted apart. 

Relationships can get stagnant.  

We get stuck in a rut, a routine, doing the same things over and over again and we cant get out it.  We forget to feel that passion, to BE alive, to live for the moment.  So whether you need to ignite the passion in your everyday life or reignite the passion in your relationship, the ways to get the fires burning are usually the same. 

Do something that makes you happy to RE-ignite the passion

Do you have a hobby you love to do but haven’t done in a while? Find some time to get it back on the books.  If you are happy, its good for your mood, your relationships and people around you can feel it.  Its just another form of self-care.  The people in your life (or relationship) will appreciate the happy, positive mood shift.  Instead of plopping on the couch with another TV show, maybe pick up the paint brush or take a cooking class together.

Do something nice for someone else.

When you think of others, it makes you feel good inside.  If you think about something that your partner would appreciate, it will make you feel even better.  When they know you are thinking of them, that is certain to help spark the romance in a relationship that might be stagnant.  Maybe it’s a note with their lunch that they see later in the day, or maybe its flowers?  How about a back massage?  All these things are just showing them that you are thinking about their needs, and in the end, it will make you feel good about yourself too.  Win-win. 

Have date night once a week or twice a month!

Do the things you used to do before you were married or engaged.  How did you keep it exciting?  Just because you got married doesn’t mean that you don’t need to still feel the excitement.  Maybe date night is a date trip or couples getaway weekend?  Make it special.  Get dressed in something nice or sexy.  Its important to have time without the kids or distractions.  Maybe drive to “make out” alley…just don’t do anything illegal (or get caught). 

Stop looking at your phone! 

This is a biggie.  We live in a world where we cannot live without our electronics.  Its very “individual” and not “passion invoking” at ALL!!  Put down the phone.  Look into each other’s eyes over dinner.  Have a conversation.  Take a stroll together (in ITALY) down a beautiful cobblestone street.  A digital detox would do a world of good for a passionate getaway.  Leave the phones off!!

And the key takeaway, take a trip together!

Vacations tend to be the ultimate reset button on relationships.  That’s why I got into romance travel.  Richard and I had the ultimate reset on a vacation in Italy.  It made us remember to look at each other, to talk again, to make each other feel special and live for them, not work, not electronics, not for “things” but for each other.   Pursuing passion is the point of life in my opinion.  Make it count! 

If you’re ready to reignite your passion, and need some recommendations for a great romantic vacation, I can help. You can reach me today by clicking here and setting up a complimentary consultation to discuss your romantic getaway.

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