Category: Romantic Destinations


This week’s blog is about why I love to travel. I grew up without much money. Travel to me meant being in a car for many hours, bored and squished with my siblings. As a teenager, my goal in life was to travel. I didn’t want to have kids. I just wanted to see as many places as I could. Of course, that wasn’t how my life went. I had kids (which I am extremely thankful for) and I didn’t travel a lot until much later. I feel like I am still making up for lost time now as an empty nester. I love to travel and I cannot get enough new experiences!

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Traveling to Europe is not what it once was.  There are hoops to jump through, testing requirements, and now the all-important vaccination card for covid-19 vaccination.  Having just had a long lengthy discussion about how this works, I thought it might be a good topic for today’s blog.  Vaccination cards and traveling currently: 101.

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the United States. The important thing at this time is to stay abreast and updated particularly if you have a specific destination in mind as restrictions and guidelines can (and do) change daily. These details are correct as of 07/28/2021. The following is not an exhaustive list but there are some of my favorites that make for great vacations. Who is open?

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This has been a prominent topic lately as everyone is ready to get out and travel again, and not everyone is checking if they “can”. As a public service announcement, I am trying to remind everyone that I know to check their passports. Do you have an expiring passport?

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Hawaii has certainly become an even more popular destination than it was previously with the travel restrictions going on. However, I come with some good news in relation to visiting Hawaii. Hawaii has just relaxed its travel restrictions for fully vaccinated travelers. So if you are 15 days past the second shot (or 15 days past the J&J shot) then you can travel to Hawaii without testing. They also no longer require testing to travel between the islands anymore. You do, however, still have to upload your information to the Safe Travels Portal. You can click here for more information on that.

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Having just returned from an amazing trip to Greece, I wanted to share some wonderful boutique small luxury hotels. These are actually part (well two out of the three here) of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World. This brand is all about independent travelers matching with independent spirited hotels. There are 520 hotels in more than 90 countries that fall into this brand. All of these boutique hotels are anti-chain. They tend to average 50 rooms, and the properties are often secluded, discrete and high luxury standards. No two hotels are the same in this brand. Let’s explore two of the brands (and share another just because it was amazing as well).

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We have all been close to home, not traveling abroad as frequently as in the past, and it’s easy to let our passports expire. As the demand rises for international travel its certainly a good time to start thinking (or to check) if your passport has expired! Ready for the reopening?
I have had a couple of clients book their trips and then look and see that their passports are expired. Most countries require that your passport is valid for at least 3 months past your return date (some for 6 months past return date). Our passports are our key to unlocking fascinating destinations.

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I thought it might be useful to create a blog about how to pack for Morocco. When I decided I was visiting, the first and foremost question was… how to pack for Morocco? With the multitudes of landscapes, the traditional dress of women of Morocco, I was at a loss for how to pack. Of course, like all people, I did google it, and came up with a few suggestions, but nothing very clear. Having just been, I feel like I have some better insight into how to pack for this destination.

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I traveled through Morocco for 11 days and experienced many different cultural experiences and landscapes as well. Morocco is comprised of Arabic, French, and Berber cultures. The Berbers were originally in Morocco before the Arabic or the French arrived at its borders. There are deserts, mountains, large cities, and more. In this blog, I am hoping to explore Moroccan Diversity in the desert.

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As COVID vaccines get even more available, countries are starting to open up for travel once more. As such, it’s time to start looking for some good holiday destinations. After all, they are well overdue. One such location has to be Portugal. This Iberian country might be small, but it offers quite a bit in that limited space. So let’s have a peek at perfect Portugal, shall we?

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