It looks like every few months, a new travel app comes out promising Having the Best Trip of your Life, or some new website pops up promising the best deals ever.
And while certainly technology can make many things about travel more organized, the secret to the best trip of your life has been around much longer than aggregate travel sites. Because the secret to an awesome trip isn’t an app — it’s a human being.

Your advisor can save you time — as in, hours and hours of research, phone calls, emails, and online searching.
She’s the one who knows the best spots to catch that breathtaking sunset on the beach. He’s got the inside scoop on which resorts give the best bulk discounts. She’s tracked the best time to look for plane or train or ferry tickets to your dream destination. She’s the one who knows when the crush of tourists will let up enough to allow you the most authentic experience possible. He’s got the answers to all those nit-picky questions about openings and closures, vaccination requirements and necessary documents, local customs, and dress codes.

Your advisor has access to deals and bookings that are not available to the general public and sometimes can even snag free upgrades for you.
People often assume that using a Travel Advisor is more expensive than planning a trip on your own, and they are skeptical that hiring an advisor can actually save them money. But this is the key: your advisor has connections that you don’t.
They have the inside track. The deals you spot on a website might be great — but they are also hit-and-miss, and they may or may not be in the sweet spot of what you’re looking for. So you might get a great deal on a hotel, but it might also be miles away from where you most wanted to stay. Your advisor knows exactly where to go to find the deals — and has access and the ability to find bargains that line up with your ideal vacation.

If you’re planning a group trip, your advisor is indispensable.
Who else can find a way to accommodate health concerns, a variety of dietary preferences, and the needs of children, adults, and seniors on one amazing trip? Can anyone else make sure that the aunts who are best friends get adjoining rooms? Who else can ensure that all 16 of you get an unforgettable experience? All the details that give most of us headaches — these are the very things that a good advisor thrives on taking care of and providing.

Many advisors are on call 24/7 while you are traveling.
There really is no price you can put on this kind of assurance and help. If you find yourself in Munich and you left your medications on the train, your advisor can help you get set up again. Maybe your passport gets stolen, your advisor can help you get a replacement. If an emergency comes up and you need to re-route your trip, your advisor is the one who can make those arrangements so you don’t have to stress about it.

For most advisors out there, planning trips is so much more than just a job. Firstly, they love what they do. Secondly, they’re genuinely passionate about great travel. Thirdly, they love people, and finally, they love creating vacations that live on and on in fond memories and family conversations.
I would love to help you plan the trip of a lifetime, fill out the form on my Contact page, and I’ll be in touch.