This week’s blog is about why I love to travel. I grew up without much money. Travel to me meant being in a car for many hours, bored and squished with my siblings. As a teenager, my goal in life was to travel. I didn’t want to have kids. I just wanted to see as many places as I could. Of course, that wasn’t how my life went. I had kids (which I am extremely thankful for) and I didn’t travel a lot until much later. I feel like I am still making up for lost time now as an empty nester. I love to travel and I cannot get enough new experiences!


I know we are all in love with the idea of traveling, visiting exotic places, and let’s face it, a great airport lounge on the way or the return just makes the trip. Today’s blog is going to be about my “favorite” first-class airport lounge.


I just boarded flight to Vegas for a conference, Virtuoso Travel Week. I am excited to be spend the week meeting new colleagues and partners in the travel industry. It will be a crazy busy week, but worth every minute of it. But while I was boarding, I was reminded that this is a service industry. With all things covid, its been easily forgotten that its okay to be nice to people, to be social, etc. Today’s post is going to be about how we can Make Someone’s Day.


Traveling to Europe is not what it once was.  There are hoops to jump through, testing requirements, and now the all-important vaccination card for covid-19 vaccination.  Having just had a long lengthy discussion about how this works, I thought it might be a good topic for today’s blog.  Vaccination cards and traveling currently: 101.